Words...and words

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

6 days, no post!

So goes AC multiple times on most days on DBabble (our online Notice Board/Messaging software). Everytime no one has posted anything for an hour or so, we get a post which simply says, "1 hour, no post!" Or since such one hour gaps are a rare occasion on our section NB, with an average of 150-200 posts every day, we also get messages like "23 minutes, no post!" And people have now taken to playing written antakshari on long threads on the NB. All arbit stuff, all day long. But all rather fun too!

Second term is academically as exacting as the first term in terms of the work we are expected to put in. In fact, due to the presentations we have to make for Spoken Business Communication and Marketing and weekly submissions and homework to do in IGP and Accounts, the workload could even be a bit greater. The difference is that most of us have stopped putting in the expected effort. I for one have more friends and friendly interactions than I did through most of the first term. My studies have suffered a bit of course, but it is well worth it!

This has been an unprecendented week in a way. Due to extraordinary circumstances, from Monday to Thursday, every morning I've had only two classes instead of the usual three. Of course, most of these have been compensated by evening and afternoon sessions, but there still is some relief when one can get up at 9:30 on a Monday morning or go back to one's room by 11:45 on Wednesday.

Another unusual occurence is that I've joined a dance class. I am always going to have two left feet, but if I don't improve I will still enjoy myself. I'm returning to my own fun-loving style (obviously my idea of fun is not the same as that of others), of my engineering days. My attachment to WIMWI and WIMWIans has gone up tremendously in the last month. For the first time since coming here, I am actually thinking about going to a trip during a vacation with people from here rather than go to Bombay. Not that it will happen (I miss my niece Vrisha too much and still love dear Bombay), but just that such a thought could occur is startling.


At 11:40 pm, Blogger Siddharth Bhai said...

U in a dance class!!! This is an interesting development... must say i'd never thought a day would come when u would enroll yourself for a dance class ;-)
Nice 2 see u trying new things.. keep it up :-)



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