The calm after the storm
After two rather busy days spent mugging, doing assignments, making presentations on Osama and aimless (but very fun-filled) wanderings with friends, suddenly I found myself with nothing to do this evening. I was in no mood to study tonight. But everyone I knew seemed untraceable. I read up on Hitchhiker's Guide, cleaned my room a bit, etc. Still bored, I then resorted to aimless wanderings in the campus by myself (The only saving grace was that I had a cell with me and made some calls to friends from Bombay).
We had presentations in Individual Dynamics today. After a last day rush to prepare for our presentation on a leader and his influence on his organisation (we finished at 4:30 am, with presentations beginning at 9 am), we managed to put up a decent show in class today. Of course, the choice of topic was a major upside. I discovered significant attitude problems on my part though. I really will have to work on them and improve soon.
Last week of the term is upon us. Unfortunately many in my section have fallen ill. At least four (correction added on 5/9/05 : three) are sick or have just recovered. This place does not lend itself to any voluntary/enforced breaks from the regular routine of studying. Falling ill is amongst the worst things that can happen to a WIMWIan. It's not that WIMWI authorities are not doing anything (there are regular sprayings of pesticide, anti-malaria pills are distributed, etc.), but then students who primarily eat on campus from the college mess should not be falling prey to fevers so often.
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