Words...and words

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Year books and blocks

Readers of this blog have seen me being relaxed during exam time in the first two terms. In the first term, I had reasons to feel comfortable about my preparedness. Now I have none. Still, watch me being cocky! Blog entries at 6 am when there are 10 long chapters of Fin to go - that's how brave I'm (and stupid - which goes without saying)!

Finally finished a write up for the dorm for the year book. Chhedi and I had struggled to find a suitable theme for the article for the past 6-7 days. No good idea seemed to present itself. I was very frustrated with this unfinished business hanging over my head, with the submission deadline long past (LSD handles the year book making and I almost began avoiding Oka in the last two-three days!) Chhedi finally came up with some thoughts and we managed to piece together 1600+ words. Should be ready to publish by the evening. I missed getting into the magazine committee in DJ, and though the yearbook there was nothing special (more like an address book - and I didn't even get a copy), I would have loved to be part of its compilation process. Preparing the welcome kit for the incoming facchas should be a pleasure. What I also want to do is use the aegis of LSD to promote nonfiction writing in WIMWI - I do not have good enough ideas yet, but getting people to voice their opinions on politics, economics, science and history will be important to me next year. I also hope to restart writing my short essays soon.

Midterms begin in 27 hours. Will be great fun, doing Finance and Operations - including over 50% of the syllabus from scratch - in that period :)


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